Introduction to Music Therapy Practice

  • Introduction to Music Therapy Practice
  • Author: Heiderscheit, Annie & Jackson, Nancy
  • ISBN: 9781945411304
  • E-ISBN: 9781945411311

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An overview of music therapy clinical practice in the 21st century, structured around the ways music therapists engage clients in music experiences – re-creating, composing, improvising and active listening. The text includes forty-eight case illustrations from twenty-nine clinicians practicing with diverse client populations. These cases demonstrate how the music therapist adapts the method to meet the unique needs and interests of clients. The benefits of these methods are outlined, and representative research is provided to support clinical applications. Ten context examples written by ten music therapists experienced in those settings are included that illustrate similarities and differences in the roles music therapy may play in treatment. An historical review of the profession is included, providing perspective on the evolution of music therapy as a profession to date. A resource section of professional organizations, peer-reviewed publications, and publishers concludes the text. The text is structured for use by instructors who teach introductory music therapy courses in which the content is presented through an experiential approach, and formatted to provide flexibility for good fit into the instructor’s course.



Chapter 1: Introduction


Chapter 2: Singing

A1: Lullabies in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

A2: Therapeutic Singing with Clients Diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease

Chapter 3: Playing Instruments

A3: Therapeutic Lessons with a Girl with Down Syndrome

A4: Therapeutic Lessons after a Cerebral Vascular Accident

Chapter 4: Other Re-creative Variations

A5: Familiar Song for the Development of Attachment in a Hospitalized Newborn - Helen Shoemark, Ph.D., RMT

A6: Re-creative Music in Memory Care - Elisabeth Swanson, MMT, MT-BC

A7: Performing for Family in a Mental Health Group Home

A8: Re-creative Music Therapy with a young Adult with Cerebral Palsy - Peggy Farlow, MAE, MT-BC 

A9: Re-creating Music with a Group of Adults Who Are Visually Impaired - Paige Robbins Elwafi, MMT, MT-BC

A10: Re-creative Music Therapy in the Midst of Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) - Debbie Bates, MMT, MT-BC

A11: Re-creating Music in Pediatric End of Life Care - Kathryn Lindenfelser, MMus, MT-BC

A12: Re-creative Music Therapy with 5-year-old Girl with Autism - Peggy Farlow, MAE, MT-BC 


Chapter 5: Active Listening

B1: Active Music Listening with a Mechanically Ventilated Patient in the ICU

B2: Music Relaxation with a Caregiver Support Group

Chapter 6: Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM)

B3: BMGIM with a Young Woman in Eating Disorder Treatment

B4: BMGIM with a Woman with Chronic Pain

Chapter 7: Other Receptive Variations

B5: Receptive Music Therapy in Hospice - Erin Fox, MMT, MT-BC

B6: Receptive Use of Songs in Substance Abuse Treatment - Jim Borling MM, MT-BC

B7: Receptive Music for a Child with Osteopetrosis Congenita - Eileen Garwood, Ph.D., MT-BC

B8: Receptive Music and Sensory Stimulation with People in End-stage Dementia - Elaine A. Abbott, Ph.D., MT-BC

B9: Receptive Music Therapy as Procedural Support for Organ Transplant

B10: Receptive Music Therapy: Rejoicing - Geraldine Brian Schreck, MA, MT-BC

B11: Making Choices in Music Therapy to Promote Stability - Douglas Keith, Ph.D., MT-BC

B12: Family-integrated Music Therapy in Neonatal Care - Friederike Haslbeck, Ph.D., SFMT


Chapter 8: Song Composition

C1: Song Composition with a Group in Dual Diagnosis Treatment

C2: Song Composition following Trauma

Chapter 9: Multimedia Composition

C3: Autobiographical Collage with a Woman with Bipolar Disorder

C4: Multimedia Composition with a Man with Developmental Disability

Chapter 10: Other Compositional Variations

C5: Composition to Cope with Auto-islet Total Pancreatectomy Transplant

C6: Composing to Decrease Social Alienation - Emma Moonier, LPCC, MT-BC

C7: Songwriting with Adolescents Encountering Social Struggles at School - Katrina Skewes McFerran, Ph.D., RMT

C8: Songwriting with a Young Adult Male in Early Recovery - Kathleen M. Murphy, Ph.D., MT-BC

C9: Songwriting with Women in a Halfway House

C10: Songwriting with a Young Boy with Anger Issues

C11: Songwriting with a Transgender Youth Undergoing Cancer Treatment - Anthony Beuchel, MT-BC

C12: Song Transformation with Older Adults in a Skilled Nursing Facility


Chapter 11: Clinical Improvisation and the Nordoff-Robbins Approach to Music Therapy - John Carpente, Ph.D., MT-BC

D1: Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy with a Boy with Autism Spectrum Disorder

D2: Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy and Selected Mutism

Chapter 12: Improvisation with Special Populations

D3: Improvisation to Stabilize a Forensic Patient - Matthew Zelt, MT-BC

D4: Improvisation with a Group of Older Adults on a Memory Care Unit - Larisa McHugh, MA, MT-BC

Chapter 13: Other Improvisational Variations

D5: Building Safety with Improvisation in a Therapeutic Day School - Lindsay Rossmiller, MT-BC

D6: Improvisation and Vibro-acoustic Therapy for Social-emotional Development - Kelly Meashey, MT-BC

D7: Group Music Therapy as a Means for Generalizing Self-control - Stephanie Hubbard, MA, MT-BC

D8: Improvisation-based Play to Strengthen Social-emotional Development - Lindsay Markworth, MMT, MT-BC

D9: Improvisation as a Music Gesture between Coordination and Relationship - Claudio Cominardi

D10: Improvisation in an In-patient Mental Health Music Therapy Group - Lillian Eyre, Ph.D., MT-BC

D11: Improvising with Foster Care Youth - Michael Zanders, Ph.D., MT-BC

D12: Group Improvisation in Residential Eating Disorder Treatment

Chapter 14: Music Therapy in the Context of Different Clinical Settings

E1: In-patient Mental Health Hospital

E2: Specialty Clinic with a Multidisciplinary Treatment Team Service Structure

E3: Music Therapy under the Medicaid Waiver - Peggy A. Farlow, MAE, MT-BC

E4: General Hospital System - Debbie Bates, MMT, MT-BC

E5: Education Services within a School Setting - Stephanie Hubbard, MA, MT-BC

E6: Forensic Mental Health Setting - Lauren Stoner, MA, MT-BC

E7: Long-term Care Services within a Care Team - Carol Shultis, Ph.D., MT-BC

E8: Behavioral Service Company - Lindsey Wright, MT-BC

E9: Home Healthcare and Hospice - Emily Paar, MT-BC

E10: Community-based Music Therapy - Peter Jampel, D.A., MT-BC

Chapter 15: Music Therapy in Historical Context

Appendix: Music Therapy Resources

Professional Music Therapy Organizations

Music Therapy Publications

Publishers of Music Therapy Literature and Resources