Ordering FAQs
To Order:
- Register or log into your account
- Search for the book(s) you would like to order by clicking on “Titles,” “Authors” or “Topics.”
- Click the title.
- Click whether you want an epub, mobi, or print copy. Then click “Add to Cart.”
- Click “Continue” or “Check-out.”
- Provide the information requested.
- Click “Save” or “Confirm.”
To Inquire about Shipment of an Order
- Log into your account
- Click “Contact Us” in the upper right
- Select the appropriate function in the drop down box under “To request information about downloads, shipments or to make a return:”
- Enter your information into the form if requesting tracking info or reporting an issue with a shipment and click continue.
- You will receive a response within 1 business day.
To Obtain a Price Quote
- Register or log-in to your account.
- Add the desired items to your shopping cart, and proceed through the checkout until the very last step. Going through the entire ordering process will provide you with the information you need about costs.
- Click “Save Quote” to confirm order later.
To Obtain a Proforma Invoice (Retailers and Wholesalers Only)
- Register or log into your account.
- Add the desired items to your shopping cart, and proceed throughout checkout until the very last step.
- Once you confirm the order, you will be able to print a proforma invoice.
To Request a Return
- Log into your account
- Click “Contact Us” in the upper right
- Select the appropriate function in the drop down box under “To request information about downloads, shipments or to make a return:”
- Review the returns policy and enter your information. Click continue.
- You will receive a response within 1 business day, which will provide a return number and address.