Music Therapy: Death and Grief

  • Music Therapy: Death and Grief
  • Author: Sekeles, Chava
  • ISBN: 9781891278464
  • E-ISBN: 9781891278938

Music Therapy in Death and Grief consists of ten chapters. Seven chapters provide description and analysis of clinical cases, based on the therapeutic experience of the author over the last forty-four years. The cases are reflective of the specific situation in present Israeli society. Three other chapters examine the role of Israeli songs in coping with collective and personal grief, and specifically address the relation between art music, death, and grief, and the grief of the therapist over patients who have passed away. The book deals with a variety of diagnoses, populations, ages, psychomedical theories, and approaches.


Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
Life under Terror: Israeli Songs in Music Therapy
Chapter 2:
The Role of Israeli Songs in Coping with Collective and Personal Grief
Chapter 3:
The Courage to Die. Nathaniel: A Terminal Cancer Patient
Chapter 4:
Where have all our Flowers gone? Music Therapy with a Bereaved Mother and Widow
Chapter 5:
The Relation between Art Music, Death and Grief
Chapter 6:
Bobby Laments his Grandfather
Chapter 7:
To be Afraid of your own Shadow
Chapter 8:
Mother, the White Dove
Chapter 9:
Edwin who Murdered his Wife in a Psychotic Attack
Chapter 10:
The Grief of the Therapist over Patients who Passed Away
ISBN 1-891278-46-0