Music, Motion, and Emotion: The Developmental-Integrative Model in Music Therapy

  • Music, Motion, and Emotion: The Developmental-Integrative Model in Music Therapy
  • Author: Sekeles, Chava
  • ISBN: 9781937440091
  • E-ISBN: 9781937440053

Professor Shiloah of Hebrew University describes this unique model of music therapy as a "synthesis of diverse theories elaborated over recent decades by prominent specialists, as well as the views develope by Dr. Sekeles herself in the course of her extensive emirical and professional experience." The book integrates discussion of three inter-related topics: music in traditional healing rituals, the Developmental-Integrative Model of Music Therapy, and five case histories demonstrating the model. 1996, 182 pages, Paperback.




Foreword  -  Prof. Yoram Bilu, Hebrew University, Jerusalem     vi


Preface                                                                                                 vii


Chapter I                                                                                               1

The Roots of Music Therapy in Traditional Healing Rituals


Chapter II                                                                                            25

The Developmental-Integrative Model in Music Therapy (D.I.M.T.)


Chapter III                                                                                          63

Ron: Music - An Eye for the Blind

(Multihandicapped Child)


Chapter IV                                                                                           73

Anat: A Body Aware - A Soul Alerted

(Down’s Syndrome Child)


Chapter V                                                                                            89

Jacob: Reviving  Prayer Through Song

(Rehabilitation of a Brain-Damaged Cantor)


Chapter VI                                                                                         101

Rita: From a Bad Baby to a New Bird

(Hospitalized Adolescent)


Chapter VII                                                                                       125

Alon: From the Jungle to the King’s Palace

(Child Suffering from Elective Mutism)


Conclusion                                                                                         143


Appendices                                                                                        147


Notes                                                                                                   157


Bibliography                                                                                      173