Authentic Voices, Authentic Singing: A Multicultural Approach to Vocal Music Therapy

  • Authentic Voices, Authentic Singing: A Multicultural Approach to Vocal Music Therapy
  • Author: Uhlig, Sylka
  • ISBN: 9781891278440
  • E-ISBN: 9781891278884

This book examines in detail the use of the authentic voice, highlighting its virtuosity, healing potency, and importance to well-being. It demonstrates the powerful impact of the voice, using clinical examples from mental health, medical, and special education settings. In the book, the undiscovered potential of the voice in the music therapy field is emphasized. This potential is not limited to singing songs but also includes sighing, crying, screaming, groaning, humming, laughing, and lamenting as effective forms of vocalizations. The book also focuses on natural forms of singing as human expressions in different cultural traditions. The vocal examples given are used to portray how human beings around the world help and heal each other through authentic singing. The commonalities of contemporary and traditional uses of the voice reinforce its power and effectiveness as a therapeutic tool. The book integrates emotional, relational, cognitive, physical, aesthetic, spiritual and technical aspects of voice and singing into a multicultural clinical method. This is a how to book for the music therapist, creative art therapist, psychotherapist, teacher, singer or actor who is using his/her voice in therapy, education, or performance. (2006, 200 pages)


Table of Contents


Part A: Authentic Voices

Chapter I -Professional Voices
Effective Voices
Responsible Voices
The Symbolic Voice — A Case Example

Chapter II - Primal Voices
Natural Voices
Shadowed Voices
The Isolated Voice — A Case Example

Chapter III  - Acoustic  Symbols
Maternal Voices
Primitive Voices
The Excited Voice — A Case ExampleChapter

IV Cultural - Voices
Linguistic Voices
My Multicultural Voice
The Foreign Voice — A Case ExampleChapter

V Spiritual - Voices
Trance Voices
My Transcending Voice
The Grieving Voice — A Case Example

Chapter VI -  Neurological Voices
Vibrating Voices
Soothing Voices
The Silent Voice — A Case Example

Chapter VII -  Methodical Voices
Personal Voices
Vocal Interventions
The Painful Voice — A Case Example

Part B: Authentic Singing

Chapter VIII - Primitive Singing
Productive Singing
Ritualistic Singing
Female SingingChapter IX Middle
Eastern— Kurdish Singing
Improvisational Singing
Spiritual Singing
Islamic “Singing”

Chapter X -  Native American Navajo Singing
Survival Singing
Healing Songs
Harmonious Singing

Chapter XI - Cultivated Singing
European Singing
Perfectionist Singing
Western Singing

Part C: Singing Practice

Chapter XII - Singing: A Personal and Professional Need
A Time to Sing
Partner Work
Multicultural Approach

Bibliography and Discography of Music of Native
Information about Voice Workshops and Music Therapy

Appendix A: Kurdish Scales
Appendix B: Indigenous Songs
Appendix C: Vibration of Human Vowel