Case Examples of Music Therapy for Self-Development

  • Case Examples of Music Therapy for Self-Development
  • Author: Bruscia, Kenneth E.
  • E-ISBN: 9781937440336

Case examples provide very unique and valuable insights into how different forms of therapy are practiced, as well as how clients respond to those therapies. This e-book contains 8 previously published case studies on how music therapy has been used to help individuals further their own development and growth. Each case details the process by which therapist and client engage in music experiences that enable the client to explore and better utilize the personal resources needed to enhance their quality of life. The aim of the book is to provide practical information to students and professionals in music therapy and related fields and to inform all those interested in self-development about the potential benefits of music therapy.


Table of Contents


Case Study: Cheryl

Helen Lindquist Bonny


Emerging Through Music: A Journey toward Wholeness with Guided Imagery and Music

Rebecca Buell


Pivotal Moments in Guided Imagery and Music

Denise Erdonmez Grocke


Experiencing the Music in Guided Imagery and Music

Connie Isenberg-Grzeda


Preliminary Music

Mary Priestley


Music Therapy with a Private Client

Mary Priestley


Mia’s Fourteenth—The Symphony of Fate: Psychodynamic Improvisation: Therapy with a Music Therapy Student in Training

Benedikte Barth Scheiby


Review of Guided Imagery and Music Sessions: William’s Story


 Alison Short