Case Examples of Music Therapy for Medical Conditions

  • Case Examples of Music Therapy for Medical Conditions
  • Author: Bruscia, Kenneth E.
  • E-ISBN: 9781937440299

Case examples provide very unique and valuable insights into how different forms of therapy are practiced, as well as how clients respond to those therapies. This e-book contains 13 previously published case studies on how music therapy has been used to help individuals with medical conditions improve their quality of life. Each case details the process by which therapist and client engage in music experiences that enable the client to explore and better utilize the personal resources needed to address his or her own therapeutic needs. The aim of the book is to provide practical information to students and professionals in music therapy and related fields and to inform all those affected by medical problems about the potential benefits of music therapy.


Table of Contents


Music Therapy at Childbirth

Dianne Allison


Facilitating Neurological Reorganization through Music Therapy: A Case of Modified Melodic Intonation Therapy in the Treatment of a Person with Aphasia

Felicity Baker


Embracing Life with AIDS: Psychotherapy through Guided Imagery and Music (GIM)

Kenneth E. Bruscia


Music Therapy for Children in Hospital Care: A Stress and Coping Framework for Practice

Jane Edwards

Jeanette Kennelly


Healing an Inflamed Body: The Bonny Method of GIM in Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis

Denise Grocke


Medical Music Therapy with Premature Infants: Family-Centered Services

Miriam Hillmer

Olivia Swedberg

Jayne M. Standley


Rehabilitation Following a Colloid Cyst using Music, Movement and the Creative Arts: A Case Study of a Young Man

Roberta S. Kagin


The Quiet Soldier: Pain and Sickle-Cell Anemia

Joanne V. Loewy


Singing My Way through It: Facing the Cancer, the Darkness, and the Fear

Maria Logis

Alan Turry


The Use of Latin Music, Puppetry, and Visualization in Reducing the Physical and Emotional Pain of a Child with Severe Burns

Rebecca Loveszy


Reclaiming a Positive Identity: Music Therapy in the Aftermath of a Stroke

Nancy McMaster


Dealing With Physical Illness: Guided Imagery and Music and the Search for Self

Ann Newel


When Life Begins Too Early: Music Therapy in a Newborn Intensive Care Unit

Monika Nöcker-Ribaupierre